
  • About Disk I/O and Memory mapped files

    In this post, I am attempting to explain File I/O in a simple way. This post covers what happens behind the scenes when application calls read, write system calls, what are the different types of reads/writes and lastly using Virtual Memory mapping to perform memory mapped I/O over files. Using...

  • System-wide syscalls tracing and monitoring in Linux using bpftrace

    If you are from Computer Science background probably you might have heard of “system calls” (also referred as “syscalls” to keep it short), if you haven’t then you can read this interesting beginner friendly article on system calls. In general, system calls are the glue between Operating System kernel and...

  • Building a secondary index of 1.5 million words for search and auto-complete using Redis cache

    Recently I was playing around with building a secondary index for some documents to make them easily searchable using a search interface with auto-complete suggestions. I was interested to explore Redis for this task because it stores data completely in-memory. Though it is a simple Key-Value store with O(1) GET...